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Star jasmine is a climbing vine known for its attractive white, star-shaped flowers and sweet fragrance. It is a popular ornamental plant and is often cultivated for its ornamental value and aromatic blooms. The flowers of star jasmine are used in perfumes, garlands, and traditional ceremonies in many cultures.

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  • Category: Plants
  • SKU: #PLN094

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Package- A healthy Star Jasmine Plant (Without pot)

Plant description: 

Common Name-

English- Star Jasmine

Hindi- Ban Malati, Jangli Chameli

Bengali- Kundo, Chameli

Scientific Name- Jasminum multiflorum

Family- Oleaceae

Origin-  India and other parts of Southeast Asia

Star Jasmine is a climbing vine known for its attractive white, star-shaped flowers and sweet fragrance. It is a popular ornamental plant and is often cultivated for its ornamental value and aromatic blooms.

Benefits- Star jasmine is highly valued for its sweet and captivating fragrance, which is most potent in the evening. The flowers of star jasmine are used in perfumes, garlands, and traditional ceremonies in many cultures.

Growing conditions-

1. Soil Requirement- The plant prefers well-drained soil that is fertile and loamy. It can adapt to a range of soil types but thrives in a slightly acidic to neutral pH.

2. Watering- Regular watering is required to keep the soil evenly moist, especially during dry periods or when grown in containers. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings, but avoid overwatering as it can cause root rot.

3.Temperature- The plant thrives in warm to temperate climates. It prefers temperatures between 15°C -24°C but can tolerate slightly higher or lower temperatures. Protect it from extreme heat or frost.

4. Humidity- Star jasmine enjoys moderate to high humidity levels. It can adapt to drier conditions but may benefit from misting or placing a tray of water nearby to increase humidity, especially in dry environments.

5. Light Requirement- The plant requires full sun to partial shade for optimal growth and flowering. It needs at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. However, it can tolerate some shade, particularly during the hottest part of the day.

6. Fertilization- Feed  the plant with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) to provide essential nutrients. Avoid excessive fertilizer during flowering time. To promote abundant flowering, provide phosphorus rich fertilizer.

7. Flowering- Star Jasmine produces clusters of small, white, star-shaped flowers that are highly fragrant. The flowers usually bloom in abundance during the warmer months, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies. Each flower lasts for several days before fading.

8. Important Diseases- Jasmine can be susceptible to several diseases-such as leaf blight, rust and wilt.

Rust- yellowish orange colored pustules can be seen on the lower side of the leaves and also on young twigs and flower buds. This can be controlled by pruning diseased leaves or by applying Mancozeb.

Wilt- This disease can occur in patches and the roots turn black and the whole plant shows wilted symptoms. This disease can be managed by applying 1 % Bordeaux mixture in soil.

Leaf blight- Reddish brown circular spots are observed on the upper surface of the leaves and this disease spreads rapidly in rainy season. In severe condition the vegetative buds and shoots dry up. Spray Dithane-M 45 or 1% Bordeaux mixture to control the disease.

9. Important Pests- Common pests that may affect Jasmine includes Budworm, gallery worm, Jasmine eriophyid mite, leaf webworm. Eriophyid mite feeds on the leaves and tender shoots and causes hairy outgrowth. Leaf webworm attack can be identified by skeletonized structure of leaves. Budworm makes holes on flower bud and feed on the inner content of flower bud. Apply neem seed kernel extract or Dimethoate 30 EC to control these devastating insects.

10. Pruning- Pruning is beneficial for shaping and maintaining the size of the plant. It is best done after the flowering period to remove dead or overgrown branches. Pruning also helps promote bushier growth and increased flowering.

11. Propagation- Star Jasmine can be propagated through stem cuttings. Take 4 to 6-inch long cuttings from healthy stems, remove the lower leaves, and plant them in well-drained soil. Provide bottom heat or use a rooting hormone to encourage root development.


Evergreen climbing flowering vine.

Planting Time

Summer to rainy season


Well drained loamy, fertile soil.


Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.


15°C -24°C


Moderate- high humidity levels.

Light requirement

At least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.


Balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer).


Produces small, white, star-shaped highly fragrant flowers

Important Diseases

Rust, Wilt, Late Blight.

Important pests

Budworm, gallery worm, Jasmine eriophyid mite, leaf webworm.


Pruning is done to maintain shape and size of the plant and to promote more flowering.

Dormancy Period



Stem Cuttings.

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