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ZZ Plant (Black)

₹520 ₹598

The black ZZ plant is a popular and low-maintenance houseplant. It features glossy black, and waxy leaves that grow in an upright fashion, giving it a unique and attractive appearance. The plant is known for its ability to tolerate low light and irregular watering, the black ZZ plant is an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced plant enthusiasts.

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  • Category: Plants
  • SKU: #PLN184

Image(s) are for reference. Actual product might vary in some aspects like shape, size etc, from the one given in the image(s). However, we ensure what you get is close to the image(s) and of high quality. Our target is to deliver a healthy and well built plant. So relax after ordering and wait for an excellent delivery from Bharat Vumi  that will bring smile on your face.

Package- A healthy Black ZZ Plant (Without pot)


Common Name-  Black ZZ / Aroid palm

Scientific Name- Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Family- Araceae

Origin- Eastern Africa

The black ZZ plant is a popular and low-maintenance houseplant. It features glossy black, and waxy leaves that grow in an upright fashion, giving it a unique and attractive appearance.  The plant is known for its ability to tolerate low light and irregular watering, the  black ZZ plant is an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced plant enthusiasts.

* The leaves of ZZ black plant are initially of showy lime green colour, with age they turn purple to black colour.

Benefits-The ZZ plant improves indoor air quality by removing harmful toxins and releases oxygen, promoting a healthier environment.

Growing conditions-

1. Soil- Well-drained soil is essential for ZZ plants. Use a good quality potting mix that retains some moisture but also drains excess water. A mixture of peat moss, perlite, and coarse sand or orchid bark works well.

2.  Watering- ZZ plants have succulent-like characteristics and the plant can tolerate drought. It's important not to overwater them to prevent root rot. Allow the soil to dry out partially between waterings, and then thoroughly water the plant until water drains out of the bottom of the pot. Reduce watering frequency during winter.

3.  Temperature- ZZ plants prefer average to warm temperatures between 18°C-30°C. They can tolerate temperatures as low as 7°C for short periods but should be protected from freezing temperatures.

4. Humidity- ZZ plants are native to tropical regions with high humidity, but they can adapt to average household humidity levels. They do not require misting or high humidity environments.

5. Light requirements- ZZ plants can tolerate low to moderate light conditions, but they prefer bright, indirect light. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. They can also adapt to low-light conditions, but this may slow down their growth.

6. Fertilization- ZZ plants are not heavy feeders. Fertilize them  during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer. Avoid fertilizing during the winter months.

7. Flowering- The ZZ plant rarely flowers, and when it does, it produces small, yellowish-green spadix-like blooms near the base of the plant.

8. Important Diseases- Most common disease is root rot. Avoid overwatering and provide well-drained soil to prevent root rot in ZZ plants.

9. Important pests- Mealybugs are the important insect of ZZ plant. Control mealybug infestations by wiping the leaves with a damp cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol, using insecticidal soap, or applying neem oil.

10. Pruning & Maintenance- Prune ZZ plants to remove any dead or yellowing leaves. Trim them to control their size and shape. Wear gloves while pruning as the plant's sap may cause skin irritation. ZZ plants prefer to be slightly root-bound, so repot the plant in a pot that is slightly larger than the root ball. Repotting is typically done every 2-3 years, preferably in the spring.

11. Propagation- ZZ plants can be propagated through leaf cuttings and stem cuttings by placing them in water or directly in soil, or by dividing the plant at the rhizomes. 


Herbaceous perennial


Purifies air by removing toxins and enhances indoor air quality

Planting Time

Anytime of the year


Well drained porous soil mix


Allow the soil to dry out partially before watering again.




Average home humidity

Light Requirements

Bright indirect light


Balanced water soluble houseplant fertilizer during growing season.


Rarely produce flowers.

Important diseases

Root rot

Important Pests

Mealy bug


Prune to remove dead leaves and to control shape and size.

Dormancy period

Do not have specific dormancy period


Leaf cutting and stem cutting


Toxic to pets and humans if ingested.

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