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₹750 ₹863

Hoya, or Wax Plant, is a tropical genus of plants known for their waxy flowers and succulent leaves. They are popular houseplants, appreciated for their attractive foliage and occasional clusters of fragrant blooms. With the right conditions and care, Hoya plants can thrive and reward growers with stunning flowers.

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  • Category: Plants
  • SKU: #PLN076

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Package- A healthy Hoya Plant (Without pot)

Plant Description:

Common Name- Wax plant/ Hoya plant

Scientific Name- Hoya spp.

Family- Apocynaceae

Origin- Tropical regions of Asia

Hoya, or Wax Plant, is a tropical genus of plants known for their waxy flowers and succulent leaves. They are popular houseplants, appreciated for their attractive foliage and occasional clusters of fragrant blooms. With the right conditions and care, Hoya plants can thrive and reward growers with stunning flowers.

Growing conditions-

1.Soil- Hoya plants require porous soil. A mixture of regular potting soil and orchid bark or perlite works well. The soil should be loose and aerated to prevent waterlogging and root rot.

2.Watering- Hoya plants prefer to dry out slightly between waterings. Water them once in every 1-2 week. Be careful not to overwater, as Hoya plants are susceptible to root rot. During winter or dormant periods, reduce watering frequency.

3. Temperature- Hoya plants thrive in average to warm temperatures. They prefer temperatures between 16°C-32°C during the day and slightly cooler temperatures at night. Protect the plant from frosts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

4.Humidity- Hoya plants appreciate higher humidity levels around 60%-70%, but they can tolerate average indoor humidity.

5.Light requirements- Hoya plants prefer bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially morning sun, but excessive exposure to intense sunlight can burn the leaves.

6. Fertilizer- Hoya plants do not require frequent fertilization. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with a ratio of 20-20-20 or similar. Apply the fertilizer every 2-3 months during the growing season.

7. Flowering- Hoya plants typically produce beautiful and fragrant flowers, in clusters called umbels. generally, Hoya plants bloom during the warmer months, with some species blooming multiple times throughout the year. during flowering, avoid high-nitrogen and excessive phosphorus fertilizers.

8. Important Diseases- Common diseases of Hoya plants include powdery mildew (treat with copper based fungicides and improve air circulation.) and root rot (prevent by ensuring well-drained soil and avoiding overwatering). Regular monitoring, proper care, and prompt action can help manage these diseases effectively.

9. Important Pests- Hoya plants are generally resistant to pests, but occasionally they can be affected by mealybugs(remove manually or use insecticidal soap) and  spider mites(increase humidity, mist regularly, and use insecticidal soap or neem oil).

10.Pruning- Pruning is not usually necessary for Hoya plants. If needed, prune after flowering by cutting back overgrown stems to maintain a neat and compact appearance.

11. Propagation- Hoya plants can be propagated through stem cuttings, taken from healthy stems, and rooted in well-drained soil or water.

12. Important fact- Many Hoya species are vining plants and are benefitted from support structures such as trellises or stakes. Provide a sturdy support for the plant to climb and twine around.


Succulent, Perennial

Planting time

Spring Or Early Summer


Loose and aerated porous soil.


Water the plants once in every 1-2 week.





Light requirement

Hoya plants prefer bright, indirect light.


Apply balanced fertilizer every 2-3 months during the growing season.


Hoya plants bloom during the warmer months.

Important Diseases

Powdery mildew and root rot.

Important pests

Mealy bugs, Spider mites.


Pruning is not usually necessary for Hoya plants.


Stem cuttings

Dormancy period


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