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Golden Hahnii Snake Plant

₹450 ₹517

The Golden Hahnii Snake Plant, also known as the Hahn's Sansevieria, is a popular ornamental plant that belongs to the Asparagaceae family. The plant has attractive leaves that are green in the center and yellow on the edges, giving it a distinctive appearance.

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  • Category: Plants
  • SKU: #PLN067

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Plant Description:

Common Name- Golden Hahnii Snake plant

Scientific Name- Sansevieria trifasciata 

Family- Asparagaceae

Origin- West Africa

The Golden Hahnii Snake Plant, also known as the Hahn's Sansevieria, is a popular ornamental plant that belongs to the Asparagaceae family. The plant has attractive leaves that are green in the center and yellow on the edges, giving it a distinctive appearance.

Benefits/Uses-Golden hahnii Snake plants are excellent air purifiers, removes toxins from the air, improves indoor air quality. The plants release oxygen, making them ideal for enhancing sleep quality.

Growing Conditions-
1.Soil-This snake plant grows well in well drained potting mix as it is highly prone to root rot. Peat based soil mix with perlite and organic compos can works well for snake plant.
2.Watering-Water the snake plant only when the soil becomes completely dry. Watering can be done Once in every 2 weeks, and always check the soil before watering.
3.Temperature-Snake plant can withstand temperature between 15℃- 32℃ .
4. Humidity-The plant thrive in low/moderate humidity between 30%-50%.
5.Light Requirements- Like other houseplants it also prefers bright indirect light but it can also thrive in low light. The main problem in low light conditions is the plant lost the variegation and the long leafed variety becomes leggy and floppy.
6.Fertilization-Fertilize the snake plant once in winter and mid summer with balanced slow release fertilizer to half strength. Do not fertilize the plant in winter.
7.Flowering-Snake plants growing indoor can rarely flowers. The plants produce creamy white flowers when grown in ideal outdoor conditions.
8.Important Diseases-Common problems associated with snake plants are Leaf drooping, yellow or brown leaves, root rot, southern blight, red leaf spot.
Yellow or brown leaves of snake plants is due to overwatering which is also the main reason of root rot problem. Leaves drooping can be observed due to insufficient light, poor potting material and overwatering.
Common symptoms of southern blight and red leaf spot include large brown spot and reddish spots on leaves respectively.
Spray Bordeaux mix in every 3 weeks and maintain proper humidity and air circulation around the plant to  manage these diseases.
9.Important Pests-Most snake plants are susceptible to common houseplant pests like fungus gnats, spider mites, scales, thrips etc. leaf curling of snake plant is due to the attack of thrips. Small brown dots or bumps are seen in scale attack. The insects  can be easily eradicated by spraying water or by cleaning the leaves with rubbing alcohol or by applying neem oil.
10.Pruning and maintenance-This Snake plant does not have much pruning requirements. Pruning is done only to remove old yellow leaves. 
Its better to use shallow wide pots for growing snake plant. Repotting should be done when the pot is become overcrowded.
11.Propagation- Propagation of snake plants is done by root division, leaf cuttings and seeds. Propagation through leaf cuttings and seed take much longer time to grow as compared to root  division.


Evergreen Perennial


Adds moisture to air, lessen the impact of airborne allergens.

Planting Time

During any season


Light , loamy , well drained soil


Low water requirements, once in every 2 weeks.


15℃- 32℃ .


30% - 50%

Light requirements

Can survive in low light but prefer bright indirect light.


Balanced NPK during the growing season


Blooms once a year ,usually during spring time.

Important Diseases

Root rot , Southern Blight, Red leaf spot etc

Important Pests

Aphids, Spider mites Etc


Diseased and damaged leaves can be pruned for healthy growth.

Dormancy period

Dormant in winter


Propagated through division. , leaf cutting

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