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The Allamanda, or Golden Trumpet, is a stunning flowering plant known for its vibrant trumpet-shaped flowers. It is a popular choice for gardens and landscapes due to its eye-catching blooms and lush foliage.

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  • Category: Plants
  • SKU: #PLN007

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 Package- A healthy Allamanda Flowering Plant (Without pot)

Plant Description: 

Common Name-

English- Allamanda, Golden Trumpet, Buttercup Flower, Golden Bell

Hindi- Pilaghanti

Bengali-  Harkakra

Scientific Name- Allamanda cathartica

Family- Apocynaceae

Origin- Native to tropical regions of South and Central America, particularly Brazil.

The Allamanda, or Golden Trumpet, is a stunning flowering plant known for its vibrant trumpet-shaped flowers. It is a popular choice for gardens and landscapes due to its eye-catching blooms and lush foliage.

Growing Conditions-

1. Soil Requirement- Allamanda plants prefer well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. A fertile soil mix with good moisture retention is ideal.

2. Watering- Allamanda plants have high watering needs. Regular watering is necessary to keep the soil consistently moist ,but avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry.

3. Temperature- Allamanda plants thrive in warm temperatures between 21°C to 32°C. They are not tolerant of frost or cold temperatures. The plant cannot withstand temperature below 5°C.

4. Humidity- They prefer moderate to high humidity levels. If the air is too dry, misting the plant to increase humidity.

5. Light Requirement- Allamanda is a outdoor plant which requires full sun exposure to thrive and produce abundant blooms. They need at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day.

6. Fertilization- Feed the plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Best fertilizer for allamanda is organic compost, manure. Apply phosphorus based fertilizer for more flowering.

7. Flowering- Allamanda plants produce large, showy, trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of yellow, orange, or gold. The flowering period generally occurs during the warmer months but it can produce flowers throughout the year.

8. Important Diseases- Allamanda plants are generally not affected by serious diseases. However it can be susceptible to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and leaf spot. Ensure good air circulation around the plant and avoid overhead watering to prevent these diseases.

9. Important Pests- Aphids are common pest that can affect Allamanda plants. Due to aphid colonization, leaf browning and curling can be seen. This plant is also vulnerable to red spider mite attack.

10. Pruning- It is recommended to prune Allamanda plants during late winter to early spring to promote healthy growth and to maintain a bushy and compact appearance.

11. Propagation- Allamanda plants can be propagated through stem cuttings. Take 6 to 8-inch long cuttings from healthy stems, remove the lower leaves, and plant them in well-drained soil or in sand. Keep the cuttings in a warm and humid environment until they develop roots.


Evergreen , Perennial flowering plant.

Planting time

Spring to summer


Well drained soil rich in organic matter.


High watering needs, allow the top inch of soil to dry out slightly before watering again.


21°C to 32°C


Prefers High humidity levels.

Light requirement

6-8 hours of bright direct sunlight daily.


Organic manure during growing season.


Produce large , showy, trumpet shaped flowers during warmer months.

Important Diseases

Generally not affected by serious diseases.

Important pests



Prune the plant in late winter to early spring to maintain the size of the plant.

Dormancy Period



Stem Cuttings

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