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Bharat Vumi Cowdung Manure (Buy 1 Get 1 Free)

₹85 ₹310

Cow dung is the right type of fertilizer for almost all types of plants and crops. It is rich in organic ingredients that brings back nutrient balance to fields organically. Cow dung improves soil structure, helps regenerate the soil, and is an effective source of nutrients needed for growing plants of all types, from grains to garden plants to fruit and vegetables.

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  • Category: Bharat Vumi Products
  • SKU: #ZxeSKDEe9E

Cow dung is the right type of fertilizer for almost all types of plants and crops. It is rich in organic ingredients that brings back nutrient balance to fields organically. Cow dung improves soil structure, helps regenerate the soil, and is an effective source of nutrients needed for growing plants of all types, from grains to garden plants to fruit and vegetables.

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We believe that gardening is wonderful way to connect with nature and we are committed to making it accessible to everyone. Bharat Vumi is an online nursery company that offers wide range of garden needs to its customer.