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Single Petal Rosy Adenium

₹480 ₹552

Adenium also known as Desert Rose is a striking plant with a swollen trunk, fleshy leaves and eye catching trumpet shaped flowers which ranges in color from white and pink to vibrant red etc. Adeniums are popular as ornamental plants are often grown in containers , requires minimal water and maintenance.

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  • Category: Adenium Home
  • SKU: #PLN288

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Package- A healthy Single Petal Rosy Adenium Plant (Without pot)

Plant Description:

Common Name- Adenium/ Desert Rose

Scientific Name- Adenium obesum

Family- Apocynaceae

Origin- Eastern and south western Africa and Arabian Peninsula

Adenium also known as Desert Rose is a striking plant with a swollen trunk, fleshy leaves and eye catching trumpet shaped flowers which ranges in color from white and pink to vibrant red etc. Adeniums are popular as ornamental plants are often grown in containers, requires minimal water and maintenance.

Growing Conditions-

1.Soil- Adenium plants like slightly acidic coarse soil mix. Peat moss is used for making the soil slightly acidic and for holding nutrients. A mix of garden topsoil, sand, coco coir, bone meal ,neem powder and gravels can be used for growing adenium or desert rose and the plant should be planted in a shallow depth pot.

2.Watering- Adenium is a drought tolerant plant. Water should be applied thoroughly and excess water should be drained out properly. Allow the soil to dry out before applying water again. The plant can survive for 7 days without water. Make sure not to overwater the plant. In hot summer days apply water in every 2 days. In winter water the plants once in a week. 

3.Temperature- Adenium prefers warm temperature between 21°C -32°C during the day. It can tolerate high temperature but exposure to prolonged low temperature can be detrimental for the plant growth.

4.Humidity- Adenium can withstand low humidity level. Around 40% of humidity is good for optimum growth.

5.Light requirements- This plant thrive in bright sunlight. At least 6 hours of bright direct sunlight is beneficial for better growth.

6.Fertilization- Fertilize the desert rose plant with balanced NPK 19-19-19 or 20-20-20 during its growing period once in a month. Bone meal, rich in phosphorus can be given to increase flowering in desert rose. Do not apply fertilizer during winter(November- January) as because the plant enters into dormancy period.

7.Flowering- Desert rose starts to flower in early spring and continues up to summer months. Flowers exhibit large variety of color variation such as red, pink, yellow, purple etc. or variegation of two or more colors. Adenium can also produce flowers throughout the year if getting adequate sunlight ,proper care and maintenance. Apply phosphorus based fertilizer (SSP or bone meal) for more flowering.

8.Important Diseases- 

Root rot- Yellowish leaves and leaf drop are the signs of root rot. Uproot the plants, cut the damaged parts of the plant and place it in well drained potting mix.

Leaf spot- Brownish black spot are noticed on the leaves .yellowing of the leaves caused at early stages, later develop brown spots. Avoid overhead watering to prevent leaf spot disease. spray fungicide once a month .

Leaf curl- Leaves of the adenium stars to curl inward due to too much of light and less water and outward leaf curling occurs due to improper light and too much water.

9.Important pests-

White fly- Leaves turn pale yellow in colour and show wilted symptoms. For small population, remove them with cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol or soapy water. Neem oil can be used as natural insecticide or use systemic pesticide for controlling mealy bug and white fly.

Oleander caterpillar- Symptoms of the attack of this insect include leaf damage, defoliation, droppings, and stunted growth or wilting. To control this insect manually remove the insect from the plant or apply bacillus thuringiensis.

10.Pruning- Adenium blooms on new growth, so pruning can be done before the blooming time, during late winter. Trim back the long roots of adenium to give the plant a better appearance. To prune the roots, cut back the roots of the plant and wipe off the fluid from the base. Apply a fungicide (Eg- Saaf, Bavistin) to the cut portion then allow the cut portion to dry out properly then plant it in well drained potting mix. Repotting should be done in every year. 

11.Propagation- Desert rose plants can be propagated through Seeds and cuttings. Desert rose starts to flower in early spring and continues up to summer months. Flowers exhibit large variety of color variation such as red, pink, yellow, purple etc. or variegation of two or more colors.


Perennial shrub, outdoor Flowering Plant


Used as houseplants for attractive flowers ,plants have great ornamental value.

Planting time

End of winter or early spring


Plants like slightly acidic coarse soil mix.


Drought tolerant plant, water once in a week , do not overwater in any condition.


21°C -32°C during the day.


Can withstand low humidity level. around 40% is optimum.

Light requirement

At least 6 hours of bright direct sunlight


Balanced NPK 19-19-19 or 20-20-20 during its growing period once in a month.


Blooms during early spring - summer.

Important Diseases

Root rot, Leaf spot, Leaf Curl

Important pests

White fly, Oleander caterpiller


Pruning of shoots and roots can be done to give the plant a better appearance.

Dormancy Period



Seeds and Cuttings

Important facts

Sap of plant is poisonous ,can cause skin irritation. Keep the plant out of reach of children and pets.

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